Thursday, February 26, 2009


In the frantic search
to devour
He turned to them,
And joined the gory fray,
Till the bones cracked
He ruminated...
The thirst was quenched
Sweet, sour
Bitter, bland
Salty, tasteless
A curious flood
Of odd temperament.
He still ruminated...
His turn came at last.
His own gluttonous tearing apart
by others.
"What had they become?"
The biggest fear
Of mankind
Unveiled before his dead eyes

Man turning upon himself to survive.
Did anyone hear
The legendary dialogue of self and soul?
I guess no more...


Shruti Sareen said...

is it about war?? or is it about the self and soul?? shades of yeats!! :)

well, tis a bit ambiguous to me, the exact meaning... but wow!! you write so well man... I mean, just the sound, the rhythm, and what it produces within you...

Shivika Mathur said...

gee:) thanks..but its not really about war..though one can interpret it that way. Let me not reveal what its about..its nice to have multiple interpretations.

Shruti Sareen said...

well, death of the author and erader's interpretation and all of that... and privacy of th author too!! but I erally don't understand what exactly you are talking about... it might help if you were a bit more explicit...

elena said...

not fair!! even eliot gave notes. elaborate please!!

Shivika Mathur said...

Its about Cannibalism guys... remember sea stories, experiences of Byron's Don Juan, etc etc.
Maybe i should change the title to make it clear.

Suggestions invited...